domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V is, in my view, the best game of the previous generation (excluding the new generation version) with their strengths and weaknesses. What is the best game of the generation not mean you have to put a 10 or anything, because its defects (which are few) annoy enough.

Gameplay: This is the strong point of the game with an incredible character and managing a targeted system the best I've seen of this generation. The problem is driving, which look pretty arcade and since I move a little jostick the car turns too. The camera also plays tricks sometimes.

Graphics: This section most problems come from the game (because the ps3 and xbox 360 girls not overstretched). The popping in the game is an offense (not to mention digital version) with things that come to your face or late charges in the textures and is quite annoying the verdad.Las fps downs are other gambling problems although not many, that are noticeable. But all is not bad in this section, since we have a level of detail in the characters and incredible side enough and also the vegetation, wildlife, traffic, pedestrians, etc etc ...... It is incredible that the ps3 has moved practically giving this without problems already given,

Sound: Here the game does well smooth but still bad. The dubbing is really amazing and the game thanks to that wins many integers in this section.

Innovation: The game itself does not innovate too much within the genre but gets all the good things of this and maximizes adding a few things (like changing character and see what others are doing or montare your business and get $).

Conclusion: A masterpiece (another of rockstar) work that has absolutely everything you want a gamer in a game. We also have to have them great for making esrte ps3 game and such high quality.

                                                             My score is 9

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